I'll be teaching the following classes at the
Washington Glass School and Creative Arts CenterClass 626 - Mold Making/ Concrete and Fiberglass CastingNeed a great industrial material to compliment your glass? Try Concrete! Want to learn how to make strong yet lightweight castings? Forton MG, a non-toxic type of fiberglass! In this class we will explore possibilities in flexible mold-making, concrete and fiberglass casting. We will make tiles, proper rubber molds, and play with concrete and fiberglass. You will walk away with a few finished pieces and the knowledge to tackle larger scale work. This is a terrific and easy beginners two-day workshop.
Instructor : Sean Hennessey
Dates and Times : Sat/Sun May 5/6
Tuition : $200 plus $50 materials fee
Class 627 - Color and Concrete
Concrete is not just grey anymore! Blues, reds, greens, sienna! In this class we will make cast concrete tiles and explore the possibilities of coloring and staining concrete. No experience necessary! This is a two-day workshop.
Instructor: Sean Hennesey
Dates and Times : Sat/Sun May 19/20 from noon to 3pm
Tuition : $200 plus $50 materials fee
To register for any classes...please call or e-mail to hold a space and mail a $50 deposit check made out to Washington Glass School. Be sure to include the course number and your phone number with your deposit. This is important to do ASAP as classes tend to fill quickly!
I'll be teaching the following classes at the
Washington Glass School and Creative Arts CenterClass 626 - Mold Making/ Concrete and Fiberglass CastingNeed a great industrial material to compliment your glass? Try Concrete! Want to learn how to make strong yet lightweight castings? Forton MG, a non-toxic type of fiberglass! In this class we will explore possibilities in flexible mold-making, concrete and fiberglass casting. We will make tiles, proper rubber molds, and play with concrete and fiberglass. You will walk away with a few finished pieces and the knowledge to tackle larger scale work. This is a terrific and easy beginners two-day workshop.
Instructor : Sean Hennessey
Dates and Times : Sat/Sun May 5/6
Tuition : $200 plus $50 materials fee
Class 627 - Color and Concrete
Concrete is not just grey anymore! Blues, reds, greens, sienna! In this class we will make cast concrete tiles and explore the possibilities of coloring and staining concrete. No experience necessary! This is a two-day workshop.
Instructor: Sean Hennesey
Dates and Times : Sat/Sun May 19/20 from noon to 3pm
Tuition : $200 plus $50 materials fee
To register for any classes...please call or e-mail to hold a space and mail a $50 deposit check made out to Washington Glass School. Be sure to include the course number and your phone number with your deposit. This is important to do ASAP as classes tend to fill quickly!
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