
Washington Sculptors Group Happy Hour. Tonight 6:00

Washington Sculptors Group Happy Hour.
(you dont have to be a member to come.)

Please join us to meet and chat with fellow sculptors and sculpture lovers on the last Monday of every month at 6:00 PM

March 31
April 28th
May 26th
June 30th

Gordon Biersch

900 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

Take the Metro!
Gallery Place Station
9th Street Exit

We will try to be sitting off to the left, but please ask the Hostess where to find us.

Washington Sculptors Group
Washington Sculptors Group Happy Hour.
(you dont have to be a member to come.)

Please join us to meet and chat with fellow sculptors and sculpture lovers on the last Monday of every month at 6:00 PM

March 31
April 28th
May 26th
June 30th

Gordon Biersch

900 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

Take the Metro!
Gallery Place Station
9th Street Exit

We will try to be sitting off to the left, but please ask the Hostess where to find us.

Washington Sculptors Group
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Positiver Nebeneffekt von Gepard 2.3

Hallo an alle Katzenfreunde,

wir freuen uns, dass unser Projekt schnell ein paar Katzenfans gefunden hat, die uns tatkräftig unterstützen. Mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen oder Verlinkungen von Ihrer Seite zur Katzen Suchmaschine Gepard 2.3.

Was uns besonders freut ist die Tatsache, dass man vor unserem Projekt bei der Googlesuche nach Gepard 2.3 ausschliesslich Berichte über den Kampfpanzer Gep*ard gefunden hat.

Nun ist die erste Seite voll von Berichten und Verweisen auf unsere Katzensuchmaschine Gepard 2.3

Mit friedlichen Grüssen

Euer Team von Gepard 2.3

P.S. Eure Linkhinweise zu guten Katzenseiten bitte hier posten
Hallo an alle Katzenfreunde,

wir freuen uns, dass unser Projekt schnell ein paar Katzenfans gefunden hat, die uns tatkräftig unterstützen. Mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen oder Verlinkungen von Ihrer Seite zur Katzen Suchmaschine Gepard 2.3.

Was uns besonders freut ist die Tatsache, dass man vor unserem Projekt bei der Googlesuche nach Gepard 2.3 ausschliesslich Berichte über den Kampfpanzer Gep*ard gefunden hat.

Nun ist die erste Seite voll von Berichten und Verweisen auf unsere Katzensuchmaschine Gepard 2.3

Mit friedlichen Grüssen

Euer Team von Gepard 2.3

P.S. Eure Linkhinweise zu guten Katzenseiten bitte hier posten
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

artomatic 2008

For immediate release

NoMa BID media contact: Artomatic media contact:

Leslie Braunstein Marina Reiter

703-234-7762 202-271-4748

Artomatic Comes to NoMa May 9–June 15, 2008

Up to 800 artists and 50,000 visitors expected in
D.C.’s most exciting new neighborhood

The NoMa (north of Massachusetts Avenue) Business Improvement District (BID) will host this year’s Artomatic, the Washington, D.C. area’s homegrown art extravaganza. From May 9 through June 15, 2008, up to 800 local and regional artists will exhibit their works on eight floors of the Capitol Plaza 1 building, located at 1st and M Streets, N.E., just one block from the New York Avenue Metro station.

Held regularly since 1999, Artomatic transforms an unfinished indoor space into an exciting and incredibly diverse arts event that is free and open to the public. In addition to displays and sales by hundreds of artists, the event features free musical, dance, and theater performances; holiday celebrations; films; educational presentations; and much more.

This year’s Artomatic, occupying 200,000 square feet at Capitol Plaza 1, will be the largest to date. Designed by renowned architect Shalom Baranes and owned by an affiliate of The Polinger Company, Capitol Plaza 1 offers 293,000 rentable square feet of Class A office space, with dramatic Capitol and city views from the upper floors.

“We are thrilled to partner with Artomatic in an event that will bring tens of thousands of people to NoMa,” said Elizabeth Price, president of the NoMa BID. “It is a great opportunity to showcase the transformation that is underway in NoMa and infuse it with the energy and creativity of the artistic community.”

"Artomatic has come back to its roots in D.C. with our largest event ever,” said George Koch, Chair of Artomatic. “We are excited about our partnership with the NoMa BID and their help in bringing this new space to our attention. Artomatic 2008 will have an abundance of exhibit and performance space that will be open to all — from recognized artists to undiscovered talents.”

Registration for artists and performers who wish to participate in Artomatic will be open soon. To stay up to date on the event details and schedule, visit and sign up to receive the Artomatic newsletter.


About the NoMa BID:

NoMa is an emerging mixed-use neighborhood north of the U.S. Capitol and Union Station in Washington, D.C. Private developers have invested almost
$2 billion in 2007–2008 alone, with plans to develop more than 20 million square feet of office, residential, hotel, and retail space in the 35-block area covered by the NoMa BID over the next 10 years. For more information about the BID, including an interactive development map, see the BID Web site at

About Artomatic:

Artomatic is a creative community that collaborates to produce and present a free arts spectacular. Participation is open to all, from recognized artists to undiscovered talents, who work in a variety of arts forms. In partnership with the development community, Artomatic transforms unused building space into a playground for expression, serves as a catalyst for community growth in up-and-coming neighborhoods, and helps to grow our creative economy. The nonprofit Artomatic organization is headed by a volunteer Board of Directors and is funded in part by the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, an agency supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information, visit

some pictures of the space and views






here are some photos from Artomatic 2007

For immediate release

NoMa BID media contact: Artomatic media contact:

Leslie Braunstein Marina Reiter

703-234-7762 202-271-4748

Artomatic Comes to NoMa May 9–June 15, 2008

Up to 800 artists and 50,000 visitors expected in
D.C.’s most exciting new neighborhood

The NoMa (north of Massachusetts Avenue) Business Improvement District (BID) will host this year’s Artomatic, the Washington, D.C. area’s homegrown art extravaganza. From May 9 through June 15, 2008, up to 800 local and regional artists will exhibit their works on eight floors of the Capitol Plaza 1 building, located at 1st and M Streets, N.E., just one block from the New York Avenue Metro station.

Held regularly since 1999, Artomatic transforms an unfinished indoor space into an exciting and incredibly diverse arts event that is free and open to the public. In addition to displays and sales by hundreds of artists, the event features free musical, dance, and theater performances; holiday celebrations; films; educational presentations; and much more.

This year’s Artomatic, occupying 200,000 square feet at Capitol Plaza 1, will be the largest to date. Designed by renowned architect Shalom Baranes and owned by an affiliate of The Polinger Company, Capitol Plaza 1 offers 293,000 rentable square feet of Class A office space, with dramatic Capitol and city views from the upper floors.

“We are thrilled to partner with Artomatic in an event that will bring tens of thousands of people to NoMa,” said Elizabeth Price, president of the NoMa BID. “It is a great opportunity to showcase the transformation that is underway in NoMa and infuse it with the energy and creativity of the artistic community.”

"Artomatic has come back to its roots in D.C. with our largest event ever,” said George Koch, Chair of Artomatic. “We are excited about our partnership with the NoMa BID and their help in bringing this new space to our attention. Artomatic 2008 will have an abundance of exhibit and performance space that will be open to all — from recognized artists to undiscovered talents.”

Registration for artists and performers who wish to participate in Artomatic will be open soon. To stay up to date on the event details and schedule, visit and sign up to receive the Artomatic newsletter.


About the NoMa BID:

NoMa is an emerging mixed-use neighborhood north of the U.S. Capitol and Union Station in Washington, D.C. Private developers have invested almost
$2 billion in 2007–2008 alone, with plans to develop more than 20 million square feet of office, residential, hotel, and retail space in the 35-block area covered by the NoMa BID over the next 10 years. For more information about the BID, including an interactive development map, see the BID Web site at

About Artomatic:

Artomatic is a creative community that collaborates to produce and present a free arts spectacular. Participation is open to all, from recognized artists to undiscovered talents, who work in a variety of arts forms. In partnership with the development community, Artomatic transforms unused building space into a playground for expression, serves as a catalyst for community growth in up-and-coming neighborhoods, and helps to grow our creative economy. The nonprofit Artomatic organization is headed by a volunteer Board of Directors and is funded in part by the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, an agency supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information, visit

some pictures of the space and views






here are some photos from Artomatic 2007
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

this is the center of the universe

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
this is one of the many creations of Roger Cutler.

( rogers website is, unfortunately, not one of his foremost creations)

Over the past number of years Mr. Cutler has taken to collecting metal detritus from the floors of Artomatic, as well as any metal remains artists leave behind after the show has come down.

he then melts down all his findings and casts various shapes and forms. this one, "center is the universe", is my favorite to date.

often roger includes a "mystery box" in his offerings. an unknown object only to be revealed at an unknown date. At the end of Artomatic 2007, roger revealed the contents of his box during an event i was fortunate enough to witness. roger only showed the object to the curious masses one person at a time. the contents were so unusual, no one described the object in the same way. some saw archaic symbols, some toys, others saw what appeared to be a collection of socks. this mystery is but one of the oddities one will find at artomatic.

roger has been pretty busy during the last year melting and casting in furnaces he makes himself. I cant wait to see what he has in store for the next artomatic. (coming soon to a neighborhood near me.)

If someone with money and clout ever realizes how cool Cutler's work and process really is, he may be whisked away to some far off exotic land where artists can be rich and successful.

until then, watch out for the man with a magnet on a stick.

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
this is one of the many creations of Roger Cutler.

( rogers website is, unfortunately, not one of his foremost creations)

Over the past number of years Mr. Cutler has taken to collecting metal detritus from the floors of Artomatic, as well as any metal remains artists leave behind after the show has come down.

he then melts down all his findings and casts various shapes and forms. this one, "center is the universe", is my favorite to date.

often roger includes a "mystery box" in his offerings. an unknown object only to be revealed at an unknown date. At the end of Artomatic 2007, roger revealed the contents of his box during an event i was fortunate enough to witness. roger only showed the object to the curious masses one person at a time. the contents were so unusual, no one described the object in the same way. some saw archaic symbols, some toys, others saw what appeared to be a collection of socks. this mystery is but one of the oddities one will find at artomatic.

roger has been pretty busy during the last year melting and casting in furnaces he makes himself. I cant wait to see what he has in store for the next artomatic. (coming soon to a neighborhood near me.)

If someone with money and clout ever realizes how cool Cutler's work and process really is, he may be whisked away to some far off exotic land where artists can be rich and successful.

until then, watch out for the man with a magnet on a stick.
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Katzen Suchmaschine Gepard 2.3

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Mitmachen und die Qualität verbessern

Schneller, besser und zielgenauer nach Katzenthemen suchen mit dem Gepard 2.3

Hier wird an einem Projekt gearbeitet um zu testen ob es möglich ist, eine wirklich gute qualitative Themensuchmaschine auf der Basis des Googlealgorithmuses zu erstellen.

Bei dieser Suchmaschine - liebevoll "Gepard 2.3" benannt - sollen hochwertige Links zu Thema Katzen,
Züchtern, Vereinen, Krankheiten, Ärzten und privaten Weblogs und Katzenseiten durchsucht werden.

Wie oft sucht man etwas und kämpft sich durch den Katalog und Spamdschungel und kommt nicht an sein Ziel.

Das wollen wir hier verändern.

Gerne könnt Ihr euch beteiligen.

Wenn ihr eine Katzenseite habt, oder Katzenfreunde seid, oder eurer Meinung nach eine gute, informative Seite kennt zum Thema Katzen, dann immer her damit hier in den Kommentarbereich.

Wir sind für jeden Tip dankbar

Wer selbst eine Webseite betreibt zu Thema Katzen kann sich natürlich den Gepard 2.3 auf seine Seite entführen. Einfach den folgenden Code in seine Seite oder seinen Blog einbinden.

Du kannst das Suchmodul dort auch direkt noch auf deine Bedürfnisse anpassen und dir direkt den Code generieren lassen.

Durch steigende Abfrageanzahlen reagiert Gepard 2.3 fast wie eine künstliche Intelligenz und bewertet die Suchergebnisse nach den relevanten Zugriffen der User und wertet diese Seiten als gewichtiger gegenüber niedriger frequentierten Seiten mit geringerer Aufenthaltsdauer.

So soll durch eine zusätzliche redaktionelle Kontrolle auch noch die Qualitätstufe der Suchergebnisse weiter erhöht werden.

Euer Team von "Gepard 2.3 - die Katzensuchmaschine"

Peppermint, Pankenstein, Chanel, Pixelfree, Trollbob

Schneller, besser und zielgenauer nach Katzenthemen suchen mit dem Gepard 2.3

Hier wird an einem Projekt gearbeitet um zu testen ob es möglich ist, eine wirklich gute qualitative Themensuchmaschine auf der Basis des Googlealgorithmuses zu erstellen.

Bei dieser Suchmaschine - liebevoll "Gepard 2.3" benannt - sollen hochwertige Links zu Thema Katzen,
Züchtern, Vereinen, Krankheiten, Ärzten und privaten Weblogs und Katzenseiten durchsucht werden.

Wie oft sucht man etwas und kämpft sich durch den Katalog und Spamdschungel und kommt nicht an sein Ziel.

Das wollen wir hier verändern.

Gerne könnt Ihr euch beteiligen.

Wenn ihr eine Katzenseite habt, oder Katzenfreunde seid, oder eurer Meinung nach eine gute, informative Seite kennt zum Thema Katzen, dann immer her damit hier in den Kommentarbereich.

Wir sind für jeden Tip dankbar

Wer selbst eine Webseite betreibt zu Thema Katzen kann sich natürlich den Gepard 2.3 auf seine Seite entführen. Einfach den folgenden Code in seine Seite oder seinen Blog einbinden.

Du kannst das Suchmodul dort auch direkt noch auf deine Bedürfnisse anpassen und dir direkt den Code generieren lassen.

Durch steigende Abfrageanzahlen reagiert Gepard 2.3 fast wie eine künstliche Intelligenz und bewertet die Suchergebnisse nach den relevanten Zugriffen der User und wertet diese Seiten als gewichtiger gegenüber niedriger frequentierten Seiten mit geringerer Aufenthaltsdauer.

So soll durch eine zusätzliche redaktionelle Kontrolle auch noch die Qualitätstufe der Suchergebnisse weiter erhöht werden.

Euer Team von "Gepard 2.3 - die Katzensuchmaschine"

Peppermint, Pankenstein, Chanel, Pixelfree, Trollbob

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Gepard 2.3 bei wkw

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glass3 closes tomorrow

last chance to see Glass3
last chance to see Glass3
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rania reviews a craft show

rania wrote a post on the city paper blog about the american craft council show. go here and read it.
rania wrote a post on the city paper blog about the american craft council show. go here and read it.
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i need a happy hour recommendation

I need some advice regarding a location for a monday night monthly happy hour.
it needs to be:
1. In DC
2. Metro-able.
3. decently priced.
4. Large-ish. i dont know how many people will be showing up each month... maybe 15-30 or so.
5. not loud
6. bonus for drink specials.
7. wont mind separate checks.
8. have decent non alcoholic options.

Its for the washington sculptors group, so if your a sculptor, a curator, or a collector, or the like, you're totally encouraged to come.

i just gotta pick the place first.......
I need some advice regarding a location for a monday night monthly happy hour.
it needs to be:
1. In DC
2. Metro-able.
3. decently priced.
4. Large-ish. i dont know how many people will be showing up each month... maybe 15-30 or so.
5. not loud
6. bonus for drink specials.
7. wont mind separate checks.
8. have decent non alcoholic options.

Its for the washington sculptors group, so if your a sculptor, a curator, or a collector, or the like, you're totally encouraged to come.

i just gotta pick the place first.......
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Artomatic 2008

Artomatic Happy Hour

Wednesday, March 5th, 6-8 pm at The Science Club, 1136 19th Street NW, Washington DC 20036.

We are up on the 3rd Floor = it is quieter, easy to find us, has more room, and easy access to the bathrooms! Come on out!

Artomatic Happy Hour happens the 1st Wednesday of every month - the next meet up will be Wednesday, March 5.

Artomatic Happy Hour

Wednesday, March 5th, 6-8 pm at The Science Club, 1136 19th Street NW, Washington DC 20036.

We are up on the 3rd Floor = it is quieter, easy to find us, has more room, and easy access to the bathrooms! Come on out!

Artomatic Happy Hour happens the 1st Wednesday of every month - the next meet up will be Wednesday, March 5.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad