
crafty bastards 08

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
once again crafty bastards proved itself to be the coolest thing going on in dc.

to those that made it out, thank you!
all the visitors were so positive and friendly and fun!

its shows like this that made a body happy to be an artist, and make it worth all the hard work that a show entails. thank you everybody!

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
once again crafty bastards proved itself to be the coolest thing going on in dc.

to those that made it out, thank you!
all the visitors were so positive and friendly and fun!

its shows like this that made a body happy to be an artist, and make it worth all the hard work that a show entails. thank you everybody!
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If i wasn't a Bastard, this is what i'd do this weekend


I'd go see POTUS
or.... is the debate on or not??

I'd go to the new connor contemporary space

I'd got Crafty Bastards and a great art opening at Maurine Littleton Gallery

as it happens i'll be a crafty bastards and i've still got stuff to do for it, as well as some other projects that just need to get done... anyway come over and say hi on sunday.

I'd go see POTUS
or.... is the debate on or not??

I'd go to the new connor contemporary space

I'd got Crafty Bastards and a great art opening at Maurine Littleton Gallery

as it happens i'll be a crafty bastards and i've still got stuff to do for it, as well as some other projects that just need to get done... anyway come over and say hi on sunday.
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Akupunktur und Physiotherapie für Tiere

Auf der Seite finden Sie Möglichkeiten alternativer Behandlungsformen bei Pferden und Kleintieren wie Hunden, Katzen, Hasen, Meerschweinchen usw.

Neben der Akupunktur führt Marta Kossowski physiotherapeutische sowie sportphysiotherapeutische Behandlungen und Edelsteintherapien durch.

Die Seite wurde in der Katzensuchmaschine aufgenommen.

Tips und Hinweise zu themenorientierten und informativen Seiten rund um den Stubentiger bitte hier vorschlagen.

Auf der Seite finden Sie Möglichkeiten alternativer Behandlungsformen bei Pferden und Kleintieren wie Hunden, Katzen, Hasen, Meerschweinchen usw.

Neben der Akupunktur führt Marta Kossowski physiotherapeutische sowie sportphysiotherapeutische Behandlungen und Edelsteintherapien durch.

Die Seite wurde in der Katzensuchmaschine aufgenommen.

Tips und Hinweise zu themenorientierten und informativen Seiten rund um den Stubentiger bitte hier vorschlagen.

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A proposal for an arts center along North Capitol

here is a proposal that i fully support for the reutilization of Cook Elementary at 30 P street NW.
(kinda like my hope for Swampoodle Art's, a couple years back)
please provide input, if you have any.

The Gist for the skimmers: Artomatic + WPA + Warehouse Theatre/Gallery/ Cafe = teh awesome. please support it.

A collaborative arts center located at J.F. Cooke Elementary School

FLUX is a collaborative arts center partnering the visual and performing arts, arts
administration, community arts programming, artist studio space, and a design workshop
under one roof. The mission of the FLUX partners, the Washington Project for the Arts,
The Warehouse Theater & Gallery, and Artomatic, is to create a synergetic hub for the
arts that meets the needs of area artists, designers, performers, residents and arts
administrators by creating a multi-purpose flexible venue which is deeply used to further
the mission of the individual partners and provide unique, exciting and culturally rich
community benefits.

The Washington Project for the Arts, founded in 1975, has a rich 31-year history as an
artist member organization, with over 1200 members, and a provider of engaging, highprofile,
well-attended arts programming in the DC metropolitan region. The WPA has
implemented and supported programs that include exhibitions, panel discussions,
printed catalogues, a digital artfile, ArtFile Online and a comprehensive artist directory
that benefits local residents.
The Warehouse Theater & Gallery is Washington’s leading alternative art space.
Currently located in three historic buildings on 7th Street NW, the Warehouse presents
independent and experimental theater, music, art, film, dance and happenings
Artomatic began in 1999 when three hundred and fifty artists cleaned, lit, painted and
colonized the Manhattan Laundry building for a 6 week art show. Over 50,000 visitors
attended the most recent Artomatic 2008, held in the NoMa area of downtown

Given the substantial lack of studio, gallery, performance and arts administration office
space, this facility could potentially fill critical needs in the city’s arts-space continuum.
The property requires little alterations to be repurposed for artist studios, exhibit space,
classrooms, performance and rehearsal space, office space, and the required
administrative, storage and other support space. FLUX will be developed and managed in
a collaborative model with complimentary partners whose use of the space would
provide a dynamic and synergetic presence in the community and create affordable
workspace and venues appropriate to house artist studios, galleries, theatre space, a
community arts workshop space, a design workshop and arts administration offices.
Professional artists require particular physical characteristics – high ceilings, natural
light and ventilation. The lack of an industrial base, compounded by the limited
development envelope, has always made finding affordable studio space a particular
challenge for District artist residents.

Creating FLUX addresses three critical needs facing the artists of the District of
Columbia: 1) viable, affordable work/studio space; 2) effective facility management of a
visual arts center and community facility; and 3) professional yet nurturing arts
environments that encourage innovation and the creative process. FLUX will adapt the
space to provide low-cost studio, exhibit, design, and theatre and support space to
District artists and visual arts organizations, allowing their focus to remain on the
artistic process and community service.

• Cultural Experiences Monthly open studios will invite area residents to engage
artists, purchase their work, and engage in community arts programming.
Residents will also have the opportunity to attend gallery openings, rotating
exhibitions and artist talks. The gallery and theatre will host events featuring well
known local artists, performances, art workshops, discussion groups and artist
• Performing Arts A regular program of theatre performances will be planned,
along with music and spoken word events, workshops and special theatrical
events, affording area residents the opportunity to access high quality theatre in
their neighborhood.
• Festivals/Markets The land surrounding the building would be used for weekly
artist’s markets, outdoor sculpture and other outdoor community events.
• Arts Education and Salons The Washington Project for the Arts and Artomatic
will hold regular workshops and classes covering best practices for professional
artists and will also engage outside speakers to lecture to the local arts
community. Regular salons for WPA member and studio artists will take place in
the workshop, along with classes led by artists for area teens interested in careers
in arts and design.
• Arts and Design Administration Office space for Artomatic and a separate
design workshop for resident designers, the fastest growing component of artists
living in DC, provides a hub for individual and area culture groups to work
together in creating and designing websites, print materials, theatre sets,
exhibitions, and other special events, both internally at FLUX, and for outside
clients where there is high demand for design services.
• Community Meetings FLUX will be an accessible space for community residents.
The classrooms, gallery and conference room will be available for ANC and
community meetings, plus other civic associations or neighborhood groups.

Space allocation of the 43,500 feet would be as follows:
�� 1st floor: Box office, Theatre manager, Warehouse office space, Design
Workshop and rehearsal, set storage space, community workshop space,
�� 2nd floor: Artist Studios, and studio manager office space
�� 3rd floor: Large gallery in former library, artist studio space, kitchen,
workshop, community space, WPA Office, Artomatic Office space
�� The parking lot and adjacent area could be used for festivals, artist
markets, weekend outdoor events and outdoor sculpture space.
Washington Project for the Arts, The Warehouse Theater & Gallery, and Artomatic
propose to manage and use J.F. Cook Elementary School at 30 P Street, NW as a
collaborative visual, performing arts, design, and arts administration center that serves
multiple constituencies and attracts a broad audience. This use incorporates a variety of
culture and community needs which could create a neighborhood asset and a prominent
regional destination. The reuse of the property as a visual and performing arts center,
arts administration offices, and a design workshop will allow it to provide a haven for
some of our city’s hardest working residents – our artists – and a cultural haven for area
residents and their families.

Paul Ruppert -
Adam Griffiths –
here is a proposal that i fully support for the reutilization of Cook Elementary at 30 P street NW.
(kinda like my hope for Swampoodle Art's, a couple years back)
please provide input, if you have any.

The Gist for the skimmers: Artomatic + WPA + Warehouse Theatre/Gallery/ Cafe = teh awesome. please support it.

A collaborative arts center located at J.F. Cooke Elementary School

FLUX is a collaborative arts center partnering the visual and performing arts, arts
administration, community arts programming, artist studio space, and a design workshop
under one roof. The mission of the FLUX partners, the Washington Project for the Arts,
The Warehouse Theater & Gallery, and Artomatic, is to create a synergetic hub for the
arts that meets the needs of area artists, designers, performers, residents and arts
administrators by creating a multi-purpose flexible venue which is deeply used to further
the mission of the individual partners and provide unique, exciting and culturally rich
community benefits.

The Washington Project for the Arts, founded in 1975, has a rich 31-year history as an
artist member organization, with over 1200 members, and a provider of engaging, highprofile,
well-attended arts programming in the DC metropolitan region. The WPA has
implemented and supported programs that include exhibitions, panel discussions,
printed catalogues, a digital artfile, ArtFile Online and a comprehensive artist directory
that benefits local residents.
The Warehouse Theater & Gallery is Washington’s leading alternative art space.
Currently located in three historic buildings on 7th Street NW, the Warehouse presents
independent and experimental theater, music, art, film, dance and happenings
Artomatic began in 1999 when three hundred and fifty artists cleaned, lit, painted and
colonized the Manhattan Laundry building for a 6 week art show. Over 50,000 visitors
attended the most recent Artomatic 2008, held in the NoMa area of downtown

Given the substantial lack of studio, gallery, performance and arts administration office
space, this facility could potentially fill critical needs in the city’s arts-space continuum.
The property requires little alterations to be repurposed for artist studios, exhibit space,
classrooms, performance and rehearsal space, office space, and the required
administrative, storage and other support space. FLUX will be developed and managed in
a collaborative model with complimentary partners whose use of the space would
provide a dynamic and synergetic presence in the community and create affordable
workspace and venues appropriate to house artist studios, galleries, theatre space, a
community arts workshop space, a design workshop and arts administration offices.
Professional artists require particular physical characteristics – high ceilings, natural
light and ventilation. The lack of an industrial base, compounded by the limited
development envelope, has always made finding affordable studio space a particular
challenge for District artist residents.

Creating FLUX addresses three critical needs facing the artists of the District of
Columbia: 1) viable, affordable work/studio space; 2) effective facility management of a
visual arts center and community facility; and 3) professional yet nurturing arts
environments that encourage innovation and the creative process. FLUX will adapt the
space to provide low-cost studio, exhibit, design, and theatre and support space to
District artists and visual arts organizations, allowing their focus to remain on the
artistic process and community service.

• Cultural Experiences Monthly open studios will invite area residents to engage
artists, purchase their work, and engage in community arts programming.
Residents will also have the opportunity to attend gallery openings, rotating
exhibitions and artist talks. The gallery and theatre will host events featuring well
known local artists, performances, art workshops, discussion groups and artist
• Performing Arts A regular program of theatre performances will be planned,
along with music and spoken word events, workshops and special theatrical
events, affording area residents the opportunity to access high quality theatre in
their neighborhood.
• Festivals/Markets The land surrounding the building would be used for weekly
artist’s markets, outdoor sculpture and other outdoor community events.
• Arts Education and Salons The Washington Project for the Arts and Artomatic
will hold regular workshops and classes covering best practices for professional
artists and will also engage outside speakers to lecture to the local arts
community. Regular salons for WPA member and studio artists will take place in
the workshop, along with classes led by artists for area teens interested in careers
in arts and design.
• Arts and Design Administration Office space for Artomatic and a separate
design workshop for resident designers, the fastest growing component of artists
living in DC, provides a hub for individual and area culture groups to work
together in creating and designing websites, print materials, theatre sets,
exhibitions, and other special events, both internally at FLUX, and for outside
clients where there is high demand for design services.
• Community Meetings FLUX will be an accessible space for community residents.
The classrooms, gallery and conference room will be available for ANC and
community meetings, plus other civic associations or neighborhood groups.

Space allocation of the 43,500 feet would be as follows:
�� 1st floor: Box office, Theatre manager, Warehouse office space, Design
Workshop and rehearsal, set storage space, community workshop space,
�� 2nd floor: Artist Studios, and studio manager office space
�� 3rd floor: Large gallery in former library, artist studio space, kitchen,
workshop, community space, WPA Office, Artomatic Office space
�� The parking lot and adjacent area could be used for festivals, artist
markets, weekend outdoor events and outdoor sculpture space.
Washington Project for the Arts, The Warehouse Theater & Gallery, and Artomatic
propose to manage and use J.F. Cook Elementary School at 30 P Street, NW as a
collaborative visual, performing arts, design, and arts administration center that serves
multiple constituencies and attracts a broad audience. This use incorporates a variety of
culture and community needs which could create a neighborhood asset and a prominent
regional destination. The reuse of the property as a visual and performing arts center,
arts administration offices, and a design workshop will allow it to provide a haven for
some of our city’s hardest working residents – our artists – and a cultural haven for area
residents and their families.

Paul Ruppert -
Adam Griffiths –
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moving forward with the waxes.....

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making waxes

making waxes
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
in preparation for some bronze pieces.

making waxes
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
in preparation for some bronze pieces.
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Neue Katzenseiten aufgenommen

Dieses Wochenende wurden wieder neue Seiten rund um das Thema Katzen in der Suchmaschine indexiert und unrelevante Seiten aussortiert.

Weiterhin viel Spaß mit der Katzensuchmaschine Gepard 2.3
Dieses Wochenende wurden wieder neue Seiten rund um das Thema Katzen in der Suchmaschine indexiert und unrelevante Seiten aussortiert.

Weiterhin viel Spaß mit der Katzensuchmaschine Gepard 2.3
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please come out and show your support for our DC arts community.

Artists’ Reception
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 from 5:00PM –7:00PM

John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004
• General Public is invited
• Photo ID required to enter this building
• Free Admission and Refreshments
• RSVP requested to PUBLICARTEVENTS@DC.GOV OR 202-724-5613
• Metro: Metro Center (Red/Orange/Blue lines) or Federal Triangle (Orange/Blue lines)
• Limited metered and garage parking nearby
please come out and show your support for our DC arts community.

Artists’ Reception
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 from 5:00PM –7:00PM

John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004
• General Public is invited
• Photo ID required to enter this building
• Free Admission and Refreshments
• RSVP requested to PUBLICARTEVENTS@DC.GOV OR 202-724-5613
• Metro: Metro Center (Red/Orange/Blue lines) or Federal Triangle (Orange/Blue lines)
• Limited metered and garage parking nearby
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painting by numbers

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The Hand of Man, The Hand of God

i've uploaded a few new pieces to my flickr account.
i've uploaded a few new pieces to my flickr account.
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work in progress

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan

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glass and concrete detail

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its been so action packed

i've been not really keeping up with all thats been going on lately. hopefully you got my newsletter which has recapped and forewarned you of a lot of it. (sign up for it in the right margin)

This past weekend was a brutal olympian venture into three heated and rained packed days of Arts on Foot and Adams Morgan Day. i'm still a bit exhausted today. thanks to all that came out!

Last week a spectacular group show that i'm in Glass:Evolving opened at VisArts, a stunning art center in the new downtown Rockville.

In July, i took part in X in DC. It happens once a month. go check it out.

I've got a piece hanging at Art Whino in National Harbor.

and i just painted the set for Henry IV over at the folger theatre.

I've been organizing some events for the Washington Sculptors Group

Coming up i'll be participating in Crafty Bastards and Arts on the Avenue.

Tonight, i'm off to do some metal casting at DC Glassworks. Hopefully i'll have some cool new stuff to show soon.
i've been not really keeping up with all thats been going on lately. hopefully you got my newsletter which has recapped and forewarned you of a lot of it. (sign up for it in the right margin)

This past weekend was a brutal olympian venture into three heated and rained packed days of Arts on Foot and Adams Morgan Day. i'm still a bit exhausted today. thanks to all that came out!

Last week a spectacular group show that i'm in Glass:Evolving opened at VisArts, a stunning art center in the new downtown Rockville.

In July, i took part in X in DC. It happens once a month. go check it out.

I've got a piece hanging at Art Whino in National Harbor.

and i just painted the set for Henry IV over at the folger theatre.

I've been organizing some events for the Washington Sculptors Group

Coming up i'll be participating in Crafty Bastards and Arts on the Avenue.

Tonight, i'm off to do some metal casting at DC Glassworks. Hopefully i'll have some cool new stuff to show soon.
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art tonight! plus stuff this weekend

I have a piece in Glass:Evolving, a show that opens at the relatively new VisArts in Rockville tonight at 6:30- 8:30. I'll be exhibiting with an impressive array of sculptors in a beautiful space.

use the Rockville Metro Station.
155 Gibbs Street, Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20850


Friday and Saturday i'll be setting up at Arts on Foot in front of the Portrait Gallery.
this is a great street festival.
Arts On Foot

Art Market Preview
Friday, September 12
Noon – 7:00pm

Saturday, September 13

11:00am – 5:00pm

Centered at 7th and F streets, NW

Metro: Gallery Pl-Chinatown


Sunday is Adams Morgan Day and i'll be participating with the Artists on Belmont.

Adams Morgan Day

Adams Morgan Day Festival 2008
Sunday, Sept 14 30th Anniversary Noon till 7pm
(Arts on Belmont opens at 10:00am)

I have a piece in Glass:Evolving, a show that opens at the relatively new VisArts in Rockville tonight at 6:30- 8:30. I'll be exhibiting with an impressive array of sculptors in a beautiful space.

use the Rockville Metro Station.
155 Gibbs Street, Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20850


Friday and Saturday i'll be setting up at Arts on Foot in front of the Portrait Gallery.
this is a great street festival.
Arts On Foot

Art Market Preview
Friday, September 12
Noon – 7:00pm

Saturday, September 13

11:00am – 5:00pm

Centered at 7th and F streets, NW

Metro: Gallery Pl-Chinatown


Sunday is Adams Morgan Day and i'll be participating with the Artists on Belmont.

Adams Morgan Day

Adams Morgan Day Festival 2008
Sunday, Sept 14 30th Anniversary Noon till 7pm
(Arts on Belmont opens at 10:00am)

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some stuff i've been painting lately.

i've been busier than i have anticipated and have neglected my blog.

this floor is for the production of henry IV at the folger theatre.

i've been working on some new pieces for Arts on Foot and Adams Morgan Day, both NEXT weekend. Also, i have a piece in a glass exhibition that opnes on wednesday at VisArts in Rockville. That should be a terrific show and i'm really honored to be exhibiting with some amazing artists.
i've been busier than i have anticipated and have neglected my blog.

this floor is for the production of henry IV at the folger theatre.

i've been working on some new pieces for Arts on Foot and Adams Morgan Day, both NEXT weekend. Also, i have a piece in a glass exhibition that opnes on wednesday at VisArts in Rockville. That should be a terrific show and i'm really honored to be exhibiting with some amazing artists.
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