
Katze am Klavier

Auch Katzen sind sehr musikalisch :-)

Auch Katzen sind sehr musikalisch :-)

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Artomatic Opens Tonight!

detail of sculpture
Artomatic 2009
55 M Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Opens May 29, 2009

Fri-Sat: Noon-1 am
Sun, Wed, Thu: Noon-10 pm

Take Metro! Located directly above the Green Line Navy Yard Metro Stop, West Entrance

artomatic 2009

Come to the 9th floor to see my new creations in Glass, Concrete and Steel.
In creating my pieces i use common and slightly nostalgic items to tell a story of transformation and growth based on my interpretations of religions, spirituality, and myths.The ethereal quality of glass set within the earthly and corporeal concrete is the metaphor our our yearning and questing souls confined in these earthly bodies.

Plus, they're like wicked cool and i'm really happy with them!
more of my work can be seen here
detail of sculpture
Artomatic 2009
55 M Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Opens May 29, 2009

Fri-Sat: Noon-1 am
Sun, Wed, Thu: Noon-10 pm

Take Metro! Located directly above the Green Line Navy Yard Metro Stop, West Entrance

artomatic 2009

Come to the 9th floor to see my new creations in Glass, Concrete and Steel.
In creating my pieces i use common and slightly nostalgic items to tell a story of transformation and growth based on my interpretations of religions, spirituality, and myths.The ethereal quality of glass set within the earthly and corporeal concrete is the metaphor our our yearning and questing souls confined in these earthly bodies.

Plus, they're like wicked cool and i'm really happy with them!
more of my work can be seen here
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Stalking Ninja Cat

Die Katze muss auf einer Ninja Schule gewesen sein :)

Die Katze muss auf einer Ninja Schule gewesen sein :)

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Sprechende Katzen

Ja auch Katzen "reden" :-)

Ja auch Katzen "reden" :-)

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Betreiber dieser Webseite (gemäß § 6 TDG):
H. Hartmann
Ostpreussendamm 118
12207 Berlin
Tel.: +4932221322679
eMail: katzenzimmer AT

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Betreiber dieser Webseite (gemäß § 6 TDG):
H. Hartmann
Ostpreussendamm 118
12207 Berlin
Tel.: +4932221322679
eMail: katzenzimmer AT

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Die hier angezeigten Videos unterliegen den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Videoplattformen auf denen das jeweilige Video veröffentlicht wurde.
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Willkommen im Katzen Zimmer

Als großer Katzen Fan habe ich mich nun entschlossen einen Blog über Katzen zu eröffnen. Hier werden regelmäßig Videos, Bilder und weiteres zu Katzen veröffentlicht. Viel Spaß :-)
Als großer Katzen Fan habe ich mich nun entschlossen einen Blog über Katzen zu eröffnen. Hier werden regelmäßig Videos, Bilder und weiteres zu Katzen veröffentlicht. Viel Spaß :-)
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three pieces

three pieces
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
i finished installing me pieces for artomatic.
come on out friday and see.
1/2 street and m se.
navy yard metro.
noon- 2am.
i'm on the 9th floor.

remember that 9th floor! the top floor! to the west side of the building for those cardinally inclined.

three pieces
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
i finished installing me pieces for artomatic.
come on out friday and see.
1/2 street and m se.
navy yard metro.
noon- 2am.
i'm on the 9th floor.

remember that 9th floor! the top floor! to the west side of the building for those cardinally inclined.
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Patterns in concrete with glass

i'm piecing various components together for a series of wall relief sculptures.
i'm piecing various components together for a series of wall relief sculptures.
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A sculpture by novie trump

novie's studio is next to the washington glass school. i popped in there the other day and couldnt leave without this piece.
so i thought i'd promote her a bit since she's so rockin.
novie's studio is next to the washington glass school. i popped in there the other day and couldnt leave without this piece.
so i thought i'd promote her a bit since she's so rockin.
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Steel frames

Steel frames
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
I'm welding up some steels frames for new sculptures. It's been a long long time since I've used steel ony work.

Steel frames
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
I'm welding up some steels frames for new sculptures. It's been a long long time since I've used steel ony work.
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Artists Happy Hour in DC! tomorrow! thats tuesday!

Tuesday May 19th
Happy Hour at Warehouse Cafe

The Washington Sculptors Group and the Washington Project for the Arts
invite artists to join one another at the Warehouse Café
Meet. Talk. Share ideas, Plan projects together. Solve problems.
In person. Live. IRL. Together.
Everyone is Welcome!

Warehouse Café
Tuesday May 19th
5:30-8:30 PM
1021 7th Street NW
MT. VERNON SQ. (Green/Yellow Lines): 1 Block – walk south on 7th St.
GALLERY PLACE – Chinatown Exit (Red/Green/Yellow Lines): 4 Blocks –
walk north on 7th St.
Tuesday May 19th
Happy Hour at Warehouse Cafe

The Washington Sculptors Group and the Washington Project for the Arts
invite artists to join one another at the Warehouse Café
Meet. Talk. Share ideas, Plan projects together. Solve problems.
In person. Live. IRL. Together.
Everyone is Welcome!

Warehouse Café
Tuesday May 19th
5:30-8:30 PM
1021 7th Street NW
MT. VERNON SQ. (Green/Yellow Lines): 1 Block – walk south on 7th St.
GALLERY PLACE – Chinatown Exit (Red/Green/Yellow Lines): 4 Blocks –
walk north on 7th St.
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Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
a concrete cast, pulled from a rubber mold, taken from a glass positive made from a plaster mold made from a flexible curve and a plug.

for real.

Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
a concrete cast, pulled from a rubber mold, taken from a glass positive made from a plaster mold made from a flexible curve and a plug.

for real.
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Mixing concrete

Mixing concrete
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
making some pieces for artomatic as well as some of my doors that i sell online.

Mixing concrete
Originally uploaded by Scenic Artisan
making some pieces for artomatic as well as some of my doors that i sell online.
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lots of open studios this weekend. definitely plan on coming!

The Washington Glass School turns 8 years old!
come celebrate with us!

The Glass School will be open from
Noon - 6 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009

3700 Otis Street
Mount Rainier , MD

Additionally, all the other studios will be open too. you've been out there, right? you know all the cool stuff around. Flux Studios, Red Dirt, Ellyn Weiss, DC Glassworks, the gallery.

there is tons of stuff happening.
heres more info
The Washington Glass School turns 8 years old!
come celebrate with us!

The Glass School will be open from
Noon - 6 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009

3700 Otis Street
Mount Rainier , MD

Additionally, all the other studios will be open too. you've been out there, right? you know all the cool stuff around. Flux Studios, Red Dirt, Ellyn Weiss, DC Glassworks, the gallery.

there is tons of stuff happening.
heres more info
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this is the view from the new Artomatic space. i'll be participating in it again this year.

it opens on may 29th. plan to be there. its a blast.

my work will, as usual be, brand spanking new, and a slightly different format than previous work.

55 M St. S.E
Washington DC
take the metro.
navy yard stop on the green line.
seriously. take the metro.
this is the view from the new Artomatic space. i'll be participating in it again this year.

it opens on may 29th. plan to be there. its a blast.

my work will, as usual be, brand spanking new, and a slightly different format than previous work.

55 M St. S.E
Washington DC
take the metro.
navy yard stop on the green line.
seriously. take the metro.
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Print is Dead: Long Live the Digital Book by Jeff Gomez

Print Is Dead: Long Live the Digital Book

For almost a year now, I've made a big effort to understand the changes in the publishing industry. I must admit I was terrified to think that "news" would be left to fingernail blurbs on the Yahoo homepage. I was equally terrified to think that I would have to use my extensive education and valuable time to search a variety of sources for news, recent books, or publications that interest or inform me. I can do it, I know, but how many others will? And what does this mean for an informed electorate in a democracy? I was afraid, but I am much less so now. The changes are taking us to a new place.

Gomez plants us firmly in the debate about book publishing, articulating the pressures on those currently producing and selling the book as product. He discusses the electronic updates that are rocking the industry and the changing publicity and marketing avenues. Things are changing so fast, it is amazing his observations are not out of date already.

I found the book immensely useful for stimulating fruitful discussion and thought...and hope.
Print Is Dead: Long Live the Digital Book

For almost a year now, I've made a big effort to understand the changes in the publishing industry. I must admit I was terrified to think that "news" would be left to fingernail blurbs on the Yahoo homepage. I was equally terrified to think that I would have to use my extensive education and valuable time to search a variety of sources for news, recent books, or publications that interest or inform me. I can do it, I know, but how many others will? And what does this mean for an informed electorate in a democracy? I was afraid, but I am much less so now. The changes are taking us to a new place.

Gomez plants us firmly in the debate about book publishing, articulating the pressures on those currently producing and selling the book as product. He discusses the electronic updates that are rocking the industry and the changing publicity and marketing avenues. Things are changing so fast, it is amazing his observations are not out of date already.

I found the book immensely useful for stimulating fruitful discussion and thought...and hope.
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the Summit of Awesome starts today

Friday May 1

*Make Something Awesome area open all day 10 -5 at Miss Pixies*
9:30 a.m. Check in and breakfast - Miss Pixies
10:30 a.m. Welcome
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Morning Sessions:

1 - 2 p.m. Lunch with Craftnote: Maria Thomas - CEO, Etsy - Miss Pixies
2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Afternoon Sessions:

  • FIber Workshop with Jamie Chan and Blas Herrera - Urban Fauna Studio - Miss Pixies
  • Simple Mold Making with Adam Maron - Miss Pixies
  • Am I a Business? How and when to form a business for your crafty endeavors with Cynthia Gayton and Paige Totaro - Washington Area Lawyer for the Arts - Gate 54
  • How to Photograph your Work with Sherry Insley- Dandelion Blu - Bar Pilar
  • Branding and Identity with Jeffrey Everett - El Jefe Design - Solly’s
  • Event Sponsorship with Deb Dormody and Margaret Carleton - Craftland - DC9

4:30 p.m. Break
6:15 p.m. Summit showing of Handmade Nation - DCJCC
8:30 p.m. Public showing of Handmade Nation - DCJCC

-Dinner on your own-

Saturday May 2

*Make Something Awesome area open all day 10 -5 at Miss Pixies*
9 - 9:30 a.m. Check in and breakfast - Miss Pixies
10 - 11:30 a.m. Morning Sessions:

12 - 1 p.m. Lunch with Craftnote: Jenny Hart, Sublime Stitching - Miss Pixies
1:30 - 3 p.m. Afternoon Sessions:

3:30 - 5 p.m. Afternoon Panel: Going out on a Limb with Jeffery Everett - El Jefe Design, Kasey and Kelly Evick - Biggs & Featherbelle - Miss Pixies

-Dinner on your own-

8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Show of Awesome Craft Party - Miss Pixies

Sunday May 3

*Make Something Awesome area open all day 10 - 3 at Miss Pixies*
10 - 10:30 a.m. Check in and breakfast - Miss Pixies
11 - 12:30 Morning Sessions:

1 - 2 p.m. Lunch at Miss Pixies
2 - 3 p.m. Awesome Crafty White Elephant - Miss Pixies
3 - 3:30 p.m. Wrap up and Farewell - Miss Pixies

*All programming is subject to change, but hopefully will not!

Your registration includes all programming from Friday through Sunday. Spaces are extremely limited, so register now!

All access passes are $180. Day passes are available.

Friday May 1

*Make Something Awesome area open all day 10 -5 at Miss Pixies*
9:30 a.m. Check in and breakfast - Miss Pixies
10:30 a.m. Welcome
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Morning Sessions:

1 - 2 p.m. Lunch with Craftnote: Maria Thomas - CEO, Etsy - Miss Pixies
2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Afternoon Sessions:

  • FIber Workshop with Jamie Chan and Blas Herrera - Urban Fauna Studio - Miss Pixies
  • Simple Mold Making with Adam Maron - Miss Pixies
  • Am I a Business? How and when to form a business for your crafty endeavors with Cynthia Gayton and Paige Totaro - Washington Area Lawyer for the Arts - Gate 54
  • How to Photograph your Work with Sherry Insley- Dandelion Blu - Bar Pilar
  • Branding and Identity with Jeffrey Everett - El Jefe Design - Solly’s
  • Event Sponsorship with Deb Dormody and Margaret Carleton - Craftland - DC9

4:30 p.m. Break
6:15 p.m. Summit showing of Handmade Nation - DCJCC
8:30 p.m. Public showing of Handmade Nation - DCJCC

-Dinner on your own-

Saturday May 2

*Make Something Awesome area open all day 10 -5 at Miss Pixies*
9 - 9:30 a.m. Check in and breakfast - Miss Pixies
10 - 11:30 a.m. Morning Sessions:

12 - 1 p.m. Lunch with Craftnote: Jenny Hart, Sublime Stitching - Miss Pixies
1:30 - 3 p.m. Afternoon Sessions:

3:30 - 5 p.m. Afternoon Panel: Going out on a Limb with Jeffery Everett - El Jefe Design, Kasey and Kelly Evick - Biggs & Featherbelle - Miss Pixies

-Dinner on your own-

8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Show of Awesome Craft Party - Miss Pixies

Sunday May 3

*Make Something Awesome area open all day 10 - 3 at Miss Pixies*
10 - 10:30 a.m. Check in and breakfast - Miss Pixies
11 - 12:30 Morning Sessions:

1 - 2 p.m. Lunch at Miss Pixies
2 - 3 p.m. Awesome Crafty White Elephant - Miss Pixies
3 - 3:30 p.m. Wrap up and Farewell - Miss Pixies

*All programming is subject to change, but hopefully will not!

Your registration includes all programming from Friday through Sunday. Spaces are extremely limited, so register now!

All access passes are $180. Day passes are available.

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